
Showing posts from November, 2012

Back pain and myths !!

Myths about Back Pain Back pain is one of the commonest causes that lead us to doctors’ out patient clinic. Three out of four adult will experience back pain during their lifetime. The intensity of pain may vary with person to person. Most acute episodes of back pain are quite benign and self limiting, however, chronic back pain are quite disabling physically, psychologically as well as economically! Lower back pain is commonest amongst various pain patterns affecting human back. Back pain can occur in all age groups from pediatric to geriatric. The most surprising fact remains that our knowledge and awareness about probably one of most disabling disease is very shallow. Low back, per se, is a non-life threatening condition unlike heart disease but it can make a life miserable. Although awareness about back pain is lacking, we doctors consider back pain mostly either a condition associated with faulty life style or a disease related to age- wear & tear. W